Well we all remember good old Doom from 1993 when pixels weren’t retro and sprites were king in the world of shooters.

Life was so much simpler back then. You take a marine, put him on Mars, have some mad scientist release some demons and voila!! Instand mayhem, with shotguns, rocket launchers, BFGs and chainsaws..

Oh man, I might actually get all a bit sentimental thinking back..

And so I added the remake of this classic title (Doom 2016) to my Steam collection. And yes, same concept, better graphics, equals more fun times and shocking moments with this latest version.

I love the Glory Kills when you smake down on the demons in a more close combat personal way.

As I have not tried the multiplayer yet I cannot comment on any of those items.

I’d give it a thumbs up for the single player so far and will keep you posted if it’s a game you want to play again or in multiplayer mode.

Until then, keep fragging..

LJ, out