Welcome.. |
This is the website of
the Multiplayer clan:
Acoma : Birds
of Prey
As you can see we've changed
our look drasticaly and
it's even more profesional
then ever before..
You might know us from
Vietcong were we've been
one of the top clans around..
But we've pulled the plug
on it.. Maybe with a new
enhanced engine for Vietcong
2 we'll be back at it..
For now we're having fun
with the Soldner and the
Worms-based Gunbound..
Greetz to all the clans
we know in the MP scene..
Special greetz to [AE]
and Force|..
~ The Acoma Team ~
News - August 5th, 2004 |
I've added a forum page
to our site..
I think we'll be able
to use it for better
This is the best I was
able to do without PHP..
That hasn't been enabled
on our account for some
So register
now and take
a peek orpost something
For the lazy ppl out
there here's the link
to the Forum..
~ Lujan ~
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